Formedge was founded in 1998 to satisfy the need of complex cold formed parts to local businesses. By garnering years of experience in cold forming process, Formedge has developed a niche market for complex cold formed parts. Our progressive spirit continually allows us to strive for excellence and improvement in the quality of all our products. This spirit has transformed us into an international leading manufacturer of complex cold formed parts & machined components throughout Canada and North America.
Complex cold formed and machined parts require solutions that are accurate, consistent, timely and low-cost. At Formedge you can depend on us in delivering these solutions, as a leader in quality custom cold formed and machined parts.
Formedge has the technology resources and the teams of highly trained professionals required to manufacture & supply of large volume of components. We shorten the developing time substantially and provide the analysis for forging feasibility that you need.
To better serve our customers by offering the expertise and services to develop new products that are accurate, consistent, timely & economical as a leader in cold forming industry.
Becoming a supplier to Tier 1, 2 and 3 companies in the automotive sector does not happen overnight. With years of experience, combined with hard work and stringent manufacturing processes, allowed Formedge to become a leader in complex cold formed and machined parts. See how we eliminate mistakes that other comapnies make.
Organizations and Certifications